The production process in ingrevo starts by clicking on the “Create Production” button, which will take you to the Production Creation tab. Here, you can record all the necessary details of your manufactured products, including the formula being used.

In the Production Creation tab, you can view the formula for the product you’re manufacturing. Based on the production quantity and ingredient percentages, the system calculates the required ingredient amount in kilograms. You can then enter the actual ingredient amount and batch number used in the production process.

After entering the ingredient amounts, click the “Submit” button to save the production details. Please note that once the production is saved, you cannot make any changes to the ingredient information. ingrevo will automatically subtract the ingredient amounts used in the production from the quantities listed in the Ingredients tab. Additionally, a production batch certificate will be generated and can be found in the Compliance section.

Next learn how production certificates are generated in ingrevo.